There is a dialogue going on, and if you are not part of it then you have no say in it. Staying out of the Social Network space is like prohibiting the use of the telephone. The real question is not whether to engage, but how to engage.
Many companies fail to translate themselves into the broadcast space. Previously, if your business did not deal with radio, TV, or media then it did not matter – although the ubiquitous “word of mouth” prowled around your customers and prospects without your knowledge.
Now, every company can broadcast on the internet; and if they choose not to, someone else will do it for them, as evidenced in this recent viral hit video:
Reuters recently reported, “The heads of the top U.S. companies might be engaged in the boardroom, but they’re switched off when it comes to social media, according to a new study that said CEOs should be more connected to their customers.” Read more…Heads of top U.S. companies snub blogs, Facebook: study

Elliott Cunningham is a Business and Marketing leader with the ability to identify and capitalize on unique opportunities to drive revenues and superior customer loyalty. He is able to successfully manage multiple, concurrently-running environments, evidenced by a track record of achievements including CMO of the Year from the Nashville Business Journal.