About Elliott Cunningham

Elliott Cunningham is a Business and Marketing leader with the ability to identify and capitalize on unique opportunities to drive revenues and superior customer loyalty. He is able to successfully manage multiple, concurrently-running environments, evidenced by a track record of achievements including CMO of the Year from the Nashville Business Journal.

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Finding Audience & Create Uncontested Markets

I recently spoke at the Nashville City Club about Finding Audience & Creating Uncontested Markets. (Watch Video Below) Over the years, I have worked in advertising and marketing, leading turnarounds, start-ups, and companies in transition.   This presentation focuses on developing …
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Email Campaigns for Success

Emails. Some businesses cringe at the thought of sending emails to their customer list. They’re afraid that their customers, like themselves, are so inundated with inbox messages that they’ll annoy the people they want to attract. But emails are an …
Leadership and more

Change is Inevitable Progress is Optional

Change is often discouraged or debated in organizations until there are no other options, and sometimes at great calamity. Tom Neff, my mentor, taught me that organizations must embrace and plan for change by choosing progress instead of letting inevitable …
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Can Web 2.0 go to work?

Over the past two years, McKinsey has studied more than 50 early adopters of Web 2.0 who are using technologies such as blogs, wikis, information tagging, prediction markets, and social networks. In this article they have drawn six insights on …
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Building Your Audience Preso

I recently spoke to the Tech Strategies group of the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce this February. The subject was Building Audience ~ Creating and Engaging Experience, and below is the Preso including the Strategy Canvas and the Power Point slides …
Marketing Conundrum
Top of Mind

Marketing – The Irony and Conundrum

Marketers have allowed themselves to get boxed into being the “promotional Flyer department.” The “touchy-feely” go-to group when it needs to look good. An article from Marketing Week describes how difficult it can be the get CEOs and CFOs to …
Leadership and more

Do you wear the shoes of change?

And influence others to follow in your footsteps? 5 reasons many leaders fail to have lasting impact on employees Only 20% of leaders truly influence workers in a way that lasts, research indicates. Some leaders lack influence because they don’t …
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Web 2.0 and Servant Leadership

I have had several meetings with companies and organizations inquiring about the significance, if any, of Web 2.0 and how it applies to them. It has been very interesting that even some of those that are in the Gen F …
Top of Mind

iPhones and Airlines

Some companies have a clear idea of what they want to produce and who they are producing it for. In other words, they’ve created their own culture. Apple is one of these companies. Their designs have been revolutionary (take the …