About Elliott Cunningham

Elliott Cunningham is a Business and Marketing leader with the ability to identify and capitalize on unique opportunities to drive revenues and superior customer loyalty. He is able to successfully manage multiple, concurrently-running environments, evidenced by a track record of achievements including CMO of the Year from the Nashville Business Journal.

Entertainment and more

Live Music Lives

The record labels tell us that the Music Business is failing and in decline. What they mean is the Record Label business is headed on a downward slope. As my good friend Tom Jackson claims, there is a “huge” difference! …
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Do You Suffer From Techno-Ecstasy

Too many companies stay out of the internet. Others rush in with “techno-ecstasy,” often times at the press of employees and without any objective or strategy. “Hey, look at this gizmo I found, let’s do this!” Whatever the latest marketing …
and much much more

Vision of Small Business

Vision of Small Business Over the Next Decade – The Intuit Future of Small Business Series is an ongoing research study sponsored by Intuit and led by the Institute for the Future and Emergent Research. The research looks at …
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Web 2.0 and Servant Leadership

I have had several meetings with companies and organizations inquiring about the significance, if any, of Web 2.0 and how it applies to them. It has been very interesting that even some of those that are in the Gen F …
Entertainment and more

There’s No Whining in Music

A friend of mine just Facebooked, “Thinking there has to be some way to unite indies rockers.” To which I replied, “If the ants ever get together, the grasshoppers are in trouble!” There’s a dirty 4-letter word that every musician …
Top of Mind

The Beauty of Ugly

I just received a retail catalog in the mail. You know the kind – the one with trashy jewelry, unbecoming apparel, and nick knacks to help clutter your home in easy installment plan payments. It made me wonder who would …
Leadership and more

Star Trek to Leadership and Beyond

Go see Star Trek! I have always enjoyed the show, but would not call myself a Trekky. However, this installment of the franchise will not disappoint and it is a great theater experience. Not only is Star Trek good entertainment, …
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Lead, Don’t Hunker Down

This is a time of opportunity, but it is not for the faint of heart. Is your organization competing in the market or is it competing internally? This last year three different organizations I was working with all had growth, …
Top of Mind

Why Healthcare Doesn’t Need a Band-Aid

Years ago I did a research project about primary care physicians as a gateway to tertiary care. We talked to focus groups, identified problems, and developed possible solutions. The fundamental problems were…well, everything! But the doctors didn’t really want help. …