Leadership and more

When going gets tough

When going gets tough, get proactive and strategize. The inclination to immediately cut spending as a reaction to an economic decline is the business version of “fight or flight,” and can cause big problems. Instead, companies should focus on cutting …
Leadership and more

Star Trek to Leadership and Beyond

Go see Star Trek! I have always enjoyed the show, but would not call myself a Trekky. However, this installment of the franchise will not disappoint and it is a great theater experience. Not only is Star Trek good entertainment, …
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Socially Speaking, How is Your Word of Mouth?

I recently spoke at the Brentwood Chamber Tech Strategies group about Social Networking.   It’s interesting to talk to business owners and leaders about this phenom and their reluctance to embrace it.  One attendee contacted me and asked that I speak …
Leadership and more

Do you wear the shoes of change?

And influence others to follow in your footsteps? 5 reasons many leaders fail to have lasting impact on employees Only 20% of leaders truly influence workers in a way that lasts, research indicates. Some leaders lack influence because they don’t …
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Web 2.0 and Servant Leadership

I have had several meetings with companies and organizations inquiring about the significance, if any, of Web 2.0 and how it applies to them. It has been very interesting that even some of those that are in the Gen F …