Top of Mind

Ready, Set, Start-up

If planning is essential and story is imperative, what do you do with an idea and no beginning? Entrepreneurs are those that are willing to plow ahead. They have an idea and they are able to drive through and make …
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The Worksheet Is Not a Plan

Over the years I have begun projects with companies and organizations, and one of the first things I ask for is their plan. Normally I am then handed an Excel Spreadsheet, ironically followed up by a statement that says “we …
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Lead, Don’t Hunker Down

This is a time of opportunity, but it is not for the faint of heart. Is your organization competing in the market or is it competing internally? This last year three different organizations I was working with all had growth, …
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Do You Suffer From Techno-Ecstasy

Too many companies stay out of the internet. Others rush in with “techno-ecstasy,” often times at the press of employees and without any objective or strategy. “Hey, look at this gizmo I found, let’s do this!” Whatever the latest marketing …