Entertainment and more

Take 5 for Inspiration

The year was 1959. No one knew what was about to happen in the field of music. But jazz music was ready to take some giant steps.

Six of the most popular and/or groundbreaking albums in jazz history were recorded …

Leadership and more

When going gets tough

When going gets tough, get proactive and strategize. The inclination to immediately cut spending as a reaction to an economic decline is the business version of “fight or flight,” and can cause big problems. Instead, companies should focus on cutting

Leadership and more

Star Trek to Leadership and Beyond

Go see Star Trek! I have always enjoyed the show, but would not call myself a Trekky. However, this installment of the franchise will not disappoint and it is a great theater experience.

Not only is Star Trek good entertainment, …

Leadership and more, Top of Mind

Start with the End

Many business and entities automatically assume certain outcomes and modes of operations for their given business model because of what is considered the norm. However, buy stepping back and evaluating Revenue Model options from the beginning and working backwards leads …

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Everyone in Your Company Is in Marketing

Every business does its commerce in some community square, just like the grand old days. It may look and feel different, but the principles and fundamentals are the same.

I have worked on projects where the shipping department said “that’s …

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The Worksheet Is Not a Plan

Over the years I have begun projects with companies and organizations, and one of the first things I ask for is their plan. Normally I am then handed an Excel Spreadsheet, ironically followed up by a statement that says “we …

Top of Mind

The Beauty of Ugly

I just received a retail catalog in the mail. You know the kind – the one with trashy jewelry, unbecoming apparel, and Read More

Entertainment and more

There’s No Whining in Music

A friend of mine just Facebooked, “Thinking there has to be some way to unite indies rockers.” To which I replied, “If the ants ever get together, the grasshoppers are in trouble!”

There’s a dirty 4-letter word that every musician …

and much much more

Email Campaigns for Success

Emails. Some businesses cringe at the thought of sending emails to their customer list. They’re afraid that their customers, like themselves, are so inundated with inbox messages that they’ll annoy the people they want to attract.

But emails are an …