About Elliott Cunningham

Elliott Cunningham is a Business and Marketing leader with the ability to identify and capitalize on unique opportunities to drive revenues and superior customer loyalty. He is able to successfully manage multiple, concurrently-running environments, evidenced by a track record of achievements including CMO of the Year from the Nashville Business Journal.

Top of Mind

Ready, Set, Start-up

If planning is essential and story is imperative, what do you do with an idea and no beginning? Entrepreneurs are those that are willing to plow ahead. They have an idea and they are able to drive through and make …
Leadership and more

No Dissing On the Bus

One season, we ran a tour with two bands on a tour bus, living on the road together for a month at a time over 9 months. It is typical for folks to chide one another, and it can get …
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The Worksheet Is Not a Plan

Over the years I have begun projects with companies and organizations, and one of the first things I ask for is their plan. Normally I am then handed an Excel Spreadsheet, ironically followed up by a statement that says “we …
Top of Mind

iPhones and Airlines

Some companies have a clear idea of what they want to produce and who they are producing it for. In other words, they’ve created their own culture. Apple is one of these companies. Their designs have been revolutionary (take the …
Online and more

Conversion Strategies to Establish Relationship

Any viable internet strategy needs to include conversion concepts. Sometimes that might be economic, as in sales. But it can also be non-economic; for instance, you may want to get people to move or migrate to pages, to opt-in to …
Leadership and more, Top of Mind

Start with the End

Many business and entities automatically assume certain outcomes and modes of operations for their given business model because of what is considered the norm. However, buy stepping back and evaluating Revenue Model options from the beginning and working backwards leads …
Leadership and more

Gut Check on Ethics

I belong to a professional business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, which was founded in 1904 in part to promote and advance ethics in business. Over the years I served in leadership, and subsequently we have continued to wrestle with ethics …
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Everyone in Your Company Is in Marketing

Every business does its commerce in some community square, just like the grand old days. It may look and feel different, but the principles and fundamentals are the same. I have worked on projects where the shipping department said “that’s …
Online and more

Who Broadcasts Your Business?

There is a dialogue going on, and if you are not part of it then you have no say in it. Staying out of the Social Network space is like prohibiting the use of the telephone. The real question is …