About Elliott Cunningham

Elliott Cunningham is a Business and Marketing leader with the ability to identify and capitalize on unique opportunities to drive revenues and superior customer loyalty. He is able to successfully manage multiple, concurrently-running environments, evidenced by a track record of achievements including CMO of the Year from the Nashville Business Journal.

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Vision of Small Business

Vision of Small Business Over the Next Decade – The Intuit Future of Small Business Series is an ongoing research study sponsored by Intuit and led by the Institute for the Future and Emergent Research. The research looks at …
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Adapting to Change

Clay Shirky recently wrote a great article on Cato Unbound. What he describes in the news industry is a mirror of what has happened in music. However, my take is that the “established,” which has consolidated over the last 30 …
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Lead, Don’t Hunker Down

This is a time of opportunity, but it is not for the faint of heart. Is your organization competing in the market or is it competing internally? This last year three different organizations I was working with all had growth, …
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Pixar Wins With Up

Pixar has done it again! With great story tellers and consistent delivery, they have continued their movie success with Up. No doubt, one of the reasons Pixar scores so high with their movies is that they are dedicated to creating …
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No Dissing On the Bus

One season, we ran a tour with two bands on a tour bus, living on the road together for a month at a time over 9 months. It is typical for folks to chide one another, and it can get …
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Do you wear the shoes of change?

And influence others to follow in your footsteps? 5 reasons many leaders fail to have lasting impact on employees Only 20% of leaders truly influence workers in a way that lasts, research indicates. Some leaders lack influence because they don’t …