Entertainment and more

Live Music Lives

The record labels tell us that the Music Business is failing and in decline. What they mean is the Record Label business is headed on a downward slope.

As my good friend Tom Jackson claims, there is a “huge” difference! …

Entertainment and more

There’s No Whining in Music

A friend of mine just Facebooked, “Thinking there has to be some way to unite indies rockers.” To which I replied, “If the ants ever get together, the grasshoppers are in trouble!”

There’s a dirty 4-letter word that every musician …

Online and more

Hope It Sticks

I was at my bank on Saturday. The teller invited me to go to a special online promotion at “theirwebsite.com/teller.” I noticed this “register to win” promotion was also printed on my deposit slip. So a couple days later I …

Online and more

Who Broadcasts Your Business?

There is a dialogue going on, and if you are not part of it then you have no say in it. Staying out of the Social Network space is like prohibiting the use of the telephone. The real question is …

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No More Fish In A Bucket

It used to be that everyone marketed and bought ads on an age-based demographic. When we were coordinating millions of dollars in radio and TV buys, this was the only way to do it, because that is what Arbitron and …

Entertainment and more

Adapting to Change

Clay Shirky recently wrote a great article on Cato Unbound. What he describes in the news industry is a mirror of what has happened in music. However, my take is that the “established,” which has consolidated over the last 30 …

Online and more

Conversion Strategies to Establish Relationship

Any viable internet strategy needs to include conversion concepts. Sometimes that might be economic, as in sales.

But it can also be non-economic; for instance, you may want to get people to move or migrate to pages, to opt-in to …

Online and more

Building Your Audience Preso

I recently spoke to the Tech Strategies group of the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce this February. The subject was Building Audience ~ Creating and Engaging Experience, and below is the Preso including the Strategy Canvas and the Power Point slides …

Top of Mind

Why Healthcare Doesn’t Need a Band-Aid

Years ago I did a research project about primary care physicians as a gateway to tertiary care. We talked to focus groups, identified problems, and developed possible solutions. The fundamental problems were…well, everything!

But the doctors didn’t really want help. …