About Elliott Cunningham

Elliott Cunningham is a Business and Marketing leader with the ability to identify and capitalize on unique opportunities to drive revenues and superior customer loyalty. He is able to successfully manage multiple, concurrently-running environments, evidenced by a track record of achievements including CMO of the Year from the Nashville Business Journal.

Entertainment and more

Take 5 for Inspiration

The year was 1959. No one knew what was about to happen in the field of music. But jazz music was ready to take some giant steps. Six of the most popular and/or groundbreaking albums in jazz history were recorded …
Top of Mind

Ready, Set, Start-up

If planning is essential and story is imperative, what do you do with an idea and no beginning? Entrepreneurs are those that are willing to plow ahead. They have an idea and they are able to drive through and make …
Online and more

Socially Speaking, How is Your Word of Mouth?

I recently spoke at the Brentwood Chamber Tech Strategies group about Social Networking.   It’s interesting to talk to business owners and leaders about this phenom and their reluctance to embrace it.  One attendee contacted me and asked that I speak …
Leadership and more

Gut Check on Ethics

I belong to a professional business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, which was founded in 1904 in part to promote and advance ethics in business. Over the years I served in leadership, and subsequently we have continued to wrestle with ethics …
and much much more

Everyone in Your Company Is in Marketing

Every business does its commerce in some community square, just like the grand old days. It may look and feel different, but the principles and fundamentals are the same. I have worked on projects where the shipping department said “that’s …
Entertainment and more

Live Music Lives

The record labels tell us that the Music Business is failing and in decline. What they mean is the Record Label business is headed on a downward slope. As my good friend Tom Jackson claims, there is a “huge” difference! …